Lorraine Sali

3,4 was the elected Business Manager of the Construction and General Workers Union, Local 180 from 2001 to 2020, she is currently a Special Representative of Local 180 and is semi-retired. The Construction and General Workers Union, Local 180 is the proud sponsor of the Golden Opportunities Fund. Ms. Sali joined the Construction and General Workers Union, Local 180 in 1987. She is Chairperson of the Labourers’ Health & Welfare Trust Fund of Western Canada, she is a trustee on the Saskatchewan Training Trust Fund and Labourers Pension Trust Fund of Western Canada. Ms. Sali is an active Trade Board Member for the Construction Craft Labourer Trade and is a panel member at the Saskatchewan Labour Relations Board representing Employees. She was a member of the Workers Compensation Board Committee of Review for the years 2006, 2010 and 2015 representing organized Labour.