
Calculate your tax savings now using our
Payroll Calculator!

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    Reduce income tax

    on every paycheque!

    Invest regularly into Golden Opportunities Fund shares through the Fund’s Payroll Investment Plan (PIP)–contributions are easily deducted off every paycheque, plus tax savings and credits are received on every paycheque, reducing income tax at source. Use the Payroll Calculator to estimate your tax savings.


    *A bi-weekly contribution of $62 can result in an annual RSP investment of $5,000 based on 26 pay periods per year, basic personal tax exemptions and a sample marginal tax rate of 35%. Marginal tax rates vary per individual, for more information visit GoldenOpportunities.ca/Payroll-Calculator.


      Payroll Investment Plan (PIP) Reply Form

      For more information, or to register to have a Payroll Investment Plan set-up, please complete this online form and a registered Financial Advisor will be in contact with you.

      Please contact me to set up an appointment to start my Payroll Investment Plan.Please contact me to provide more information about Golden Opportunities Fund and to answer any questions I might have.

      Full Name (required)

      Email* (required)

      Phone (required)

      City (required)

      Employer (required)


      *Consent to the Electronic Delivery of Documents
      By checking this box you agree that you have read and fully understand the Consent to the Electronic Delivery of Documents.*

      Payroll Shareholder Spotlights

      Randy’s Shareholder Testimonial:
      The best thing since sliced bread!

      Stacey’s Shareholder Testimonial:
      Make investing easy!


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