Pancreatic cancer research published (Phenomenome Discoveries)

September 25, 2013

Exciting New Potential for Early Detection of Pancreatic Cancer

Phenomenome Discoveries Inc. is happy to announce the recent journal publication, Metabolic system alterations in pancreatic cancer patient serum: potential for early detection, in BMC Cancer.

The prognosis of pancreatic cancer (PC) is one of the poorest among all cancers, due largely to the lack of methods for screening and early detection. New biomarkers for identifying high-risk or early-stage subjects could significantly impact PC mortality. Serum profiles of PC patients to healthy control subjects were compared and metabolic biomarkers associated with PC were found by using a comprehensive metabolomics technology.   

Click here for a link to the complete abstract and article.

Click here to read this news post on Phenomenome Discoveries’ website.