Westcap ranked as Top 10 Most Active Private Equity Investors in Canada by CVCA

August 31, 2015

August 2015

Saskatoon, SK – Canada’s Venture Capital & Private Equity Association (“CVCA”) announced that Westcap Mgt. Ltd. (“Westcap”) is identified as one of the Top 10 Most Active Private Equity Investors in Canada. The CVCA’s Canadian Private Equity Market Overview for the first half of 2015 was released in August and measures activity based on the number of deals completed.

The CVCA is comprised of various private and public sector firms managing the vast majority of venture capital and private equity across Canada, with two thirds of its 1,200 members being senior level business decision makers from Canada’s private capital industry. “Westcap is very pleased to be recognized amongst the leaders in the industry as one of Canada’s most active investors while being regionally focused,” commented Grant Kook, President & CEO, Westcap. “We have a strong commitment to excellence. Our industry leading activity is due to the opportunities we are experiencing in our management buyout portfolio resulting from the recognition we’ve received as a strong financial partner that brings strategic leadership to the boardrooms of the companies we invest in.”

About Westcap Mgt. Ltd. – westcapmgt.ca

Westcap is a leading private equity and venture capital fund manager with over half a billion in assets under management. We provide a wide range of investment banking activities to a diversified client base worldwide including institutions, retail investors, governments, and high net worth individuals. Founded over 25 years ago, Westcap is led by an executive investment team that brings more than a century of collective management expertise.

For further information, please contact:

Grant Kook, President and CEO
Westcap Mgt. Ltd.
830 – 410 – 22nd St., E.
Saskatoon, SK
Tel: (306) 652-5557
Wanda Hunchak, Vice President
Westcap Mgt. Ltd.
830 – 410 – 22nd St., E.
Saskatoon, SK
Tel: (306) 652-5557

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