
income tax reduction

Reduce income tax

on every paycheque!

Invest regularly into Golden Opportunities Fund shares through the Fund’s Payroll Investment Plan (PIP)–contributions are easily deducted off every paycheque, plus tax savings and credits are received on every paycheque, reducing income tax at source. Use the Payroll Calculator to estimate your tax savings.

    Payroll Investment Plan (PIP) & Voluntary Investment Plan (VIP) Reply Form

    For more information, or to register to have a Investment Plan set-up, please complete this online form and a registered Financial Advisor will be in contact with you.

    Please contact me to set up an appointment to start my Investment Plan.Please contact me to provide more information about Golden Opportunities Fund and to answer any questions I might have.

    First Name (required)

    Last Name (required)

    Phone (required)

    Email* (required)

    Best time to reach me is: DayEvening


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    Employer Name

    Union Affiliation (if applicable)

    How did you hear about the Fund?
    Referral from a coworkerInvestment SeminarEmailAdvertisementOther

    *Consent to the Electronic Delivery of Documents

    To: Golden Opportunities Fund Inc.

    I have read and understand this "Consent to Electronic Delivery of Documents" and consent to the electronic delivery of the documents (and/or types of documents) listed below that Golden Opportunities Fund Inc. will deliver to me electronically, in accordance with my instructions as set forth below.

    1. The documents that are the subject of this consent to electronic delivery are: Semi Annual Report, Annual Report and periodic Fund updates including information about portfolio companies.

    2. Some of the documents to be delivered electronically may be posted to the website www.goldenopportunites.ca and a notification via electronic mail ("e-mail") will be sent to the e-mail address that I provide to Golden Opportunities Fund Inc. advising me the documents have been posted to the website and will provide me a link to the website.

    3. I understand that I will require access to the internet in order to retrieve the documents that will be electronically delivered and I confirm that I have such access.

    4. I acknowledge all documents posted to the website will be in Portable Document Format (PDF), and the Adobe Acrobat Reader software required to view them is available free of charge from Adobe's website at www.adobe.com

    5. I acknowledge that I may at any time request and receive at no charge, a paper copy of any documents delivered electronically by contacting Golden Opportunities Fund Inc. at:

      Golden Opportunities Fund Inc.
      Suite 830 - 410 22nd Street East
      Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
      Canada S7K 5T6

    6. I understand and agree that the electronic documents that were made available on the website will be available for a period of no less than 6 months, and after that period they will remain available at www.sedar.com

    7. I understand that any personal information I provide to Golden Opportunities Fund Inc. on this form, including email addresses and other information, will be used solely for the purposes described in this form.

    8. I understand that my consent may be revoked or altered, including any change in the electronic mail address I have provided, at any time by notifying Golden Opportunities Fund Inc. of such revoked or altered consent by telephone, regular mail, or electronic mail.

    9. I understand and agree that I am in no way obligated to consent to electronic delivery.

    I am a shareholder of Golden Opportunities Fund Inc. or a financial advisor and I have read and understand the terms of this "Consent to the Electronic Delivery of Documents" form and, on these terms, I consent to the electronic delivery of the documents I am entitled to receive. I understand and agree that this consent will remain in effect for the entire time I am a shareholder or a financial advisor or until I revise or revoke my consent to electronic delivery.

    Proudly sponsored by: Construction and General Workers’ Union, local 180.
    SOLD BY PROSPECTUS ONLY. Please read the Prospectus, which contains important detailed information, before investing. A free copy is available from your Financial Advisor or the Principal Distributor, National Bank Financial Inc., Member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund, at info.nbfinancial.com. Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with Retail Venture Capital (RVC) Fund investments which may not be suitable for all investors. RVCs are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated. Tax credits are available to eligible investors on investments up to $5,000 annually, provided that the shares are held for at least eight years from the date of purchase. Redemption restrictions may apply. This is not intended to be tax advice; investors should seek a professional for tax advice. *By combining the provincial and federal tax credits with the RRSP tax savings attached to the Fund, a biweekly contribution of $57 can result in a $5,000 investment every year. Based on an annual RRSP investment, 26 pay periods per year, basic personal tax exemptions and a marginal tax rate of 35% (minimum taxable income of $44,029). Amount will vary according to your tax bracket.


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