
How much will you contribute each time? (Lump sum or Payroll)

Gross Amount? (Investment into Golden Opportunities Fund)
Net Contribution? (Out of pocket contribution)
Annual Gross Income?
What is the contribution frequency to your RRSP?
How many years until you plan to retire?
What are your current RRSP savings?

Your annual RRSP investment would be $_____ per year.

Annual Golden Opportunities Fund RRSP Investment
Annual Regular RRSP Investment

Due to the tax credits, the net annual cost of your RRSP investment is $_____ less when you invest in Golden Opportunities versus a Regular RRSP investment.

You will have earned $_____ in additional tax savings upon retirement by investing in Golden Opportunities.

Regular RRSP Investment
RRSP Contributions
Investment Earnings
Your Contributions to Regular RRSP Investments $_____
Your Investment Earnings $_____**
Total Value at Retirement $_____
Golden Opportunities Fund Investment
RRSP & GOF Contributions With Rollover
Tax Credits
Investment Earnings
Your Contributions to Regular RRSP Investments $_____
Your Contributions to Golden Opportunities Fund RRSP $_____
Your Investment Earnings $_____**
Your Tax Credits $_____
Total Value at Retirement Plus Tax Credits $_____

What’s a Rollover?

Your Golden Opportunities investment matures every eight years and can be rolled over for additional tax credits with no new money invested! For more investment strategies click here.

Did you know...

You can invest right off your paycheque and receive instant tax savings. This means that your $_____ annual investment only costs $_____ per year or $_____ per paycheque!
Net cost of your Golden Opportunities Fund investment if made directly off every paycheque
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SOLD BY PROSPECTUS ONLY. Please read the Prospectus, which contains important detailed information, before investing. A free copy is available from your Financial Advisor or the Principal Distributor, Wellington-Altus Private Wealth Inc., a Member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund, at wellington-altus.ca. Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with Retail Venture Capital (RVC) Fund investments which may not be suitable for all investors. RVCs are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated. Tax credits are available to eligible investors on investments up to $5,000 annually, provided that the shares are held for at least eight years from the date of purchase. Redemption restrictions may apply. This is not intended to be tax advice; investors should seek a professional for tax advice. *A bi-weekly contribution of $62 can result in an annual RSP investment of $5,000 based on 26 pay periods per year, basic personal tax exemptions and a sample marginal tax rate of 35%. Marginal tax rates vary per individual, for more information visit GoldenOpportunities.ca/Payroll-Calculator. **An estimated rate of return of 4% has been used as an example for both Regular RSP Investment and Golden Opportunities Fund Investment. Rates of return will depend on your personal investment choices.


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