Strategies for those that are ready to take that next step and are looking for flexible investment options to maximize tax savings.
Are you looking for flexibility with a spousal RRSP
Amanda and her husband James just got married, and want to invest in Golden Opportunities but aren’t yet sure who would benefit most from claiming the tax credits. They invested in a spousal RRSP so either spouse can claim the 32.5% in tax credits.
Did you use the Home Buyers’ Plan to buy your first home?
Looking to save but don’t have any new money to invest?
Heather and John spend a lot on activities for their children and don’t have any money to invest this year. They could really use a tax credit though. By simply transferring money from another existing RRSP, they can still make their annual Golden Opportunities contribution and receive 32.5% in tax credits.
Did you invest in the Fund previously and have mature shares?
Tony invested in Golden Opportunities 8-years ago. This year, the units that he invested matured following the 8-year hold period, and he can “roll”/reinvest these units back into Golden Opportunities and receive an additional 32.5% in tax credits without investing any new money.
Do you have a growing family and want to maximize savings?
Tori and Vic are raising two children and want to make the most of their hard-earned money. By combining the 32.5% in tax credits with RRSP and RESP savings available to Tori and Vic they generated up to $12,700* in assets from a single $5,000 investment.
* Example assumes a marginal tax rate of 47.50%. Marginal tax rates vary per individual, for more information visit 32.5% in tax credits available on investments up to $5,000 annually.
**The basic Canada Education Savings Grant provides 20% on the first $2,500 invested in an RESP annually.